The Only Investing Certainty Is Nothing Is Certain - Plan For The Unplanned!
Living a long life can be a wonderful thing, but outliving your money is not.
Longevity Risk (the risk of outliving your money) has stepped to the forefront of the retirement income planning process.
Advances in medicine continue to extend longevity and, consequently, individuals underestimate how long they are going to live.
Following is the likelihood that a 65-year old will live to be... *
Male Female One Member Of A Couple
Age 75 87.9% 90.4% 98.8%
Age 85 60.2% 67.8% 87.2%
Age 95 16.6% 24.7% 37.2%
* Source: Society of Actuaries 2012 Basic Mortality Table
Don't just look forward to a long retirement - PLAN ON IT!
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